Parameterized Modules in Erlang

work safe

There is an erlang syntax that is beloved by OO converts to the language,  the parametrized module.  Here is why.

> Obj = param_example:new("Tony").
> Obj:name().

This Syntax makes an OO guy feel cozy.  And taking a look at the implementation of our module, we see the the implied variable is defined on the module definition.

-module(param_example, [Name]).
-export([get_name/0, set_name/1]).

get_name() -> Name.

There is a caveat.  If a module is parametrized, all functions are parametrized.  You cannot use non-parametrized functions to wrap your parametrized function, like this.

> Obj = param_example:new("Tony").
> ListOfNames = param_example:new_from_list(["Tom", "Dick", "Harry"]).

In fact, there’s some magic, functions actually have an arity of one more than you think. Actually, an extra parameter for each module parameter. In addition, these are constant, like all erlang variables. Since you don’t have access to a recursive call stack, you can’t change them.

However you can use a separate module to front- end the parametrized calls. And “mutating” calls can return new instances with new parameters.

So when Is it a good thing and when do you not want to use it?  I like the idea of using parametrized devices to wrap a bunch of data I’m going to be passing around but still has some functionality that needs to be called.

The scenario I didn’t find it useful for is having several processes that I can call without having a reference.  More concretely, I need to have rooms addressable via names of some other soft reference.  And their variables need to be modifiable. I abused named gen_server services for this.

-export([start_link/2, get_description/1, handle_call/3,init/1]).
-record(room, {name, description}).

server_name(Name) -> list_to_atom( lists:concat([ ?MODULE, "_", Name])).

start_link(Name, Description) ->
  gen_server:start_link({local, server_name(Name)}, ?MODULE, #room{name=Name, description=Description}, []).

get_description(Name) ->
  get_description:call(server_name(Name), description.

handle_call(description, _From, State) ->
  {reply, State#room.description, State}.

So, there are two ways of dealing with a collection of processes that are cleaner (don’t use the raw message send) than just passing around a Pid.  They do different things, but might could be used in combination.  I’m just not sure how, yet.

Oh, hey. If you have a better solution, please post a comment.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Gleb Peregud  •  Apr 5, 2009 @9:20 pm


    There’s a OO library for Erlang. It is called Wooper. Available here:

    I haven’t tried it myself.

    Gleb Peregud

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